Rex Amos: A Man of Many Hats

TRT: 24:47 Music by Ralph Carney

Rex Amos, is the definitive renaissance man, prolific and passionate about creating art, philosophy, poetry, journals, protests and prankster. Rex recounts highlights of his adventures in conversations with his buddies, 48th Mayor of Portland, Bud Clark,Philospher Graham P. Conroy,  Artist and inventor Don Farnsworth of Magnolia Editions, Art Historian, Roger Hull,  delve into Rex’s art and unusual collection of letters, hats, journals and “leavings”.  collaborates with the latest printing technology in an ongoing 40 year collaboration with Rex.   

Ralph Carney, a versatile musician and longtime San Franciscan who had a long career as a much-sought-after sideman working with everyone from Tom Waits and Allen Ginsberg to Elvis Costello and the B-52’s…” from the SF Gate Aidin Vaziri.